Succession Planning

Retaining your top talent and filling critical roles has never been more important. Our Succession Planning solution strengthens your talent pipeline and prepares you for the unexpected.

Succession planning software


Better Leadership Pipeline


Savings From Reduced Vacancies


Faster Leadership Ramp Up


Reduction in Turnover

Create succession plans to build organizational resiliency

Create Succession Plans for Your Critical Positions

Identify Critical Positions

Identify and create plans for important positions at every level of your organization.

Build Plans in Context

View and update plans within the context of your org chart. Easily compare candidates and track readiness, flight risk, potential, and more.

Visualize Plan Status

Color code by plan status to quickly identify missing and at risk plans. Highlight areas where succession plans are poorly developed and require attention.

Find and Track Candidates

Build Ranked Candidate Lists

Search your organization for skills, licenses, certifications, positions, and more. Quickly add candidates to succession plans and drag to reorder.

Access Employee Information

Dig into more information about each candidate with a single click. Color code by employee data like title, department, status, location, and more.

Track Candidate Metrics

Track candidate readiness, flight risk, and more to help determine your organizaion’s bench strength.

Retain Key Employees

Help employees understand growth opportunities and skill development required for internal movement.

Find succession plan candidates
View succession planning insights

Visualize and Understand Succession Plan Health

Uncover Plans with Risk

Find potential problems faster by automatically flagging employee succession plans that have risk.

Share and Collaborate

Create transparency in your organization as you share and collaborate with key stakeholders. Succession management has never been so easy.

View Data-Rich Reports

Utilize automated reports and a customizable dashboard to dig into candidate pool demographics, impending retirements, and more.

Develop Talent

Identify Skill Gaps

Collaborate with managers and mentors to define key skills and methods to prepare employees for upward mobility.

Level Up Critical Skills

Document the skills and attributes required for an employee’s success in a future position.

Log Progress on Employee Records

Document employee progress, creating transparency around succession management.

Identify and develop talent in succession plans
Succession Planning Key Features

Create a More Resilient Organization

Embrace the future with confidence and empower your organization to lead the way in strategic succession planning.

Swift Solutions for Seamless Operations

Our solution ensures that critical roles are filled quickly and efficiently, minimizing downtime and keeping your operations running smoothly.

Effortless Plan Sync, Real-Time Updates

Real-time sync keeps plans up-to-date by removing terminated employees automatically, eliminating the need for manual updates.

Real-Time Insights for Smart Decisions

Gain real-time insights to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and ensure your succession plans are actionable and up-to-date.

Empower Growth, Retain Talent

Help retain talent by defining clear career paths and growth opportunities, ensuring employees see a future and are motivated to stay.

Utilization Insights for Fair Promotions

Track historical plan utilization to assess plan efficacy and ensure fair promotions by identifying when plans are followed or ignored.

Enhance Hiring with Strong Data

Robust position data drives better candidate qualification decisions, ensuring fairness and enhancing the selection process.

Have Questions?

Schedule a brief, no-pressure call with a product expert.